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Category: Musings

Once Upon a Time, in London

Once Upon a Time, in London

When I was interning in London, I played Massive Attack’s “Mezzanine” album endlessly. It was part of my London soundtrack, coupled with David Bowie’s “Low” and “Heroes.”

Walking around damp London streets, commuting on the crowded Underground, or printing photos in the darkroom. The album became important to me without me even realizing it, and it still so fresh in my ears. It’s clouds of smoke against a single bright light. It drips oil… dark, slick, and filled with strange swirls of color swirling on the surface.

With the announcement of the Massive Attack “mezzaninexxi” show next year, I thought I would share one of the projects I photographed while under the influence of the album.

Let’s talk about it in the comments below… in the meantime, here’s my favorite track off the album… will it be part of the Desert Island Stitch series? Only time will tell…

Huluween Film Fest

Huluween Film Fest

Without a doubt, Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I was super excited when I read about Hulu’s HULUWEEN FILM FEST… presented by Hulu… Anywho, the film fest is basically 8 short films distributed by Hulu, where the winner is awarded $10,000 to be put toward a full length production.

We’ve been watching them over the course of the month, we don’t binge, we savor… and some of them have been pretty great for short films. After mulling on it, I have to say that my favorite is “Carved” by Justin Harding

It was perfectly warped. A touch of “Evil Dead” in tone but without being too silly. Slightly demented, in the best way.

A close second was “Horrifying Sounds” Directed by, Rodney Ascher and written by Basil Quartermass.

This one is the kind of an unsettling spooky that sticks with you. A truly haunting darkness where the ending isn’t as much as a shock, but more the blithe reactions of the listeners.

The rest of my list rounds out in this order

  • Lippy
  • The Hug
  • The Rizzle
  • The Box
  • The Gillymuck
  • Urn

Be sure to check out all the films on Hulu’s YouTube Channel and let’s talk about which one was your favorite in the comments below!