Thirty-nine years ago today, The Cure released their debut album, which happens to be the next in my Desert Island Stitch series. “Three Imaginary Boys” made it’s debut on May 8th, 1979, an odd cover containing nothing but a lamp, a refrigerator, and a hoover. Before I started stitching, I dyed the aida pink by painting it with Rit, to give the walls and floor an organic texture while still being a slightly abstract detail.
After it dried, I sprayed the fabric with a color fixative, to help protect it from fading, I went to work on the three imaginary boys… as represented by mundane household objects…
Sure it may not be the first album people pull to mind when digging through The Cure’s discography, but to me, there is something iconic about the stark emotionless cover art.
Displays nicely with the concert poster from the Reflections Tour.
I had originally planned on adding some single-thread-line details. As I was adding them, they started to detract from the design, so I nixed’em. Anywho, let me know what you think, or guess what the next cover will be in the comments below!
This year, The Cure will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the recording of their first single “Killing an Arab” [I’m sure I don’t have to mention that the song references the Albert Camus story “The Stranger” and not actual xenophobia, but in these times, I feel like I need to mention the context… but I digress]. In light of this occasion, I thought it was the perfect time to revisit one of my old blog posts in a “MySpace Rewind”… yeah. MySpace. Deal with it.
Picture it, Long Beach California. February 6, 2008:
So I was listening to “The Head on the Door” yesterday on the drive home, getting some early prep time for the Hollywood Bowl show in May. I was bopping along to “Push” when I had a mental image of flipping the tape, even though I was listening to it through my iPod [obviously ripped from a CD], and haven’t listened to the Head on the Door cassette [nor any other cassette for that matter] since around 1996 [when I installed a CD player in the long since passed: Mr. Happy Car]! Its funny that I still think of that album in terms of the “A Side”and the “B Side.” The “A Side” with the infectious “The Blood” and “Six Different Ways” and the “B-Side with its more somber “Night Like This” and “Sinking” also with the delightfully twisted “Baby Screams” and “Screw” in the mix. It just struck me as odd that even after all of these years, I still break it album down mentally like that. I wonder if anyone else does… and with these kids today and their illegal downloads and shuffle on our MP3 players, do we even think of artists in the context of Albums…
So anywho… with The Cure on the brain, I am putting together my dream set list for May… picking one song off each album…
At this point I’m going to interrupt myself and put together a new list, ten years later, and see how it compares to the 2008 me.
Three Imaginary Boys [1979]2018: “10:15 Saturday Night”… though I think I know what 2008 me picked…
2008: “So What”… its such a stupid song, but I fucking love it! [2018 me again: yeah, totes called it]
Seventeen Seconds [1980]2018: Not that I don’t love “A Forest,” but I think I’m going “Play for Today”
2008: “Play for Today”… to me its moody but with a faster tempo. I have visions of a smoky field pictured in high contrast black and white with lots of grain…
Faith [1981]Faith:
2018: No question “Primary.” Period. Full stop.
2008: “Primary”… a song that I just never tire of! This song will get me energized every time, without fail!
Pornography [1982]2018: This is legitimately tough, so many good tracks. I think I’m going “One Hundred Years”…
2008: “One Hundred Years”… because something small falls out of your mouth and we laugh…
Japanese Whispers [1983][I know it’s controversial to include, but whatevs’, I still stand by my decision]
2018: Ug… why they gotta have so many good songs… hmmm… “Upstairs Room” final answer, maybe.
2008 “The Upstairs Room”… oh the kiss so alcoholic and slow…
The Top [1984]2018: This is another tough call. Love love love the title track, but I think I’m going for the manic intensity of “Give Me It”
2008: though I would love to hear “The Empty World” or “Banafishbones” I think I will have to choose “Give Me It” just because I want to hear Robert freaking out at the end… Give me it! Give me it! GIVE ME IT!
The Head on the Door [1985]2018: “Screw” it’s so raw sounding… I love it. Plus, pretty much all of Side A.
2008: this one is tough… so many good ones… its a toss up between “Six Different Ways” and “Screw”… “Screw” is one of those songs that I can just listen to on repeat, but I think I would go with “Six Different Ways”
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me [1987]2018: “Like Cockatoos”… with “How Beautiful You Are” as a close second.
2008: Totally my favorite Cure album. Why? I don’t rightly know. Maybe because it was my first Cure Album? Too many fantastic songs… and even though I’ve seen them play it live a couple of times… I still have to go with “Like Cockatoos”
Disintegration [1989]2018: Its always a toss up between “Disintegration” and “Untitled” for different reasons… but the title track energizes me more… so “Disintegration”… final answer…
2008: This is a tough one too. “Prayers for Rain” is just fucking AMAZING live, but I think I will have to choose “Untitled,” another song that I can just listen to on repeat as it carries me away on a slow current int a fog covered sea …
Wish [1992]2018: “From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea”… cause its fucking epic.
2008: “Wendy Time”… the song just makes me smile… full with Robert’s cat call “meow”s and a line “like feel or follow or fuck”… fabulous fabulous indeed!
Wild Mood Swings [1996]2018: There is just something about the cosmic-ness of “Jupiter Crash” that will always speak to me on a very personal level.
2008: “Club America”… because if they did “Bare” I think I would just kill myself… seriously. Saddest. Song. Ever. Great song, but it just makes me cry… I’m getting misty just thinking about it…
Bloodflowers [2000][I think this album, along with Wish, gets a bad rap]:
2018: “Watching Me Fall,” again, cause its fucking epic. “39” is a VERY close second.
2008: “Watching Me Fall”…. because its fucking EPIC… really an underrated album. I didn’t much care for this album when it first came out… but it quickly grew on me and is definitely one of my favorites [2018 me again: HA… “fucking epic” even… talk about consistency]
The Cure [2004][This album is one I probably listen to the least, perhaps I should revisit it]
2018: “Labyrinth” is really one of the stand out tracks, the singles on the album were fair enough, but I love the way “Labyrinth” builds into a full on raga.
2008: This album plays out like a greatest hits of new songs. Its funny, I had the total inverse effect with this album as I had with Bloodflowers. LOVED it when it first came out, but then it really dulled on me and seems mostly forgettable. Which makes me sad, because nothing about The Cure should be forgettable! There are definitely a couple of tracks that really do stand out and of those I would have to choose “Labyrinth”
4:13 Dream [2008] [This another one that I think is totally underrated with a lot of great jams on it]
2018: “Freakshow” maybe its because the first time I heard it was live and Porl was just going mad with the guitar.
This album wasn’t released until October 27th 2008, so I didn’t have a pick when I wrote the original post. But I have to say, “Hey, Robert! It’s been TEN years since there was a new Cure album… what gives…?”