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I came across a very compelling page by Josh Worth today [thanks Boing Boing]. He put together a wonderful piece that illustrates the emptiness of our solar system. This is something that has always fascinated me as I look up at the night sky and try to pick out our planets vs. the early evening stars. There is so much nothing, and yet, the universe expands into further nothing. A void, but does the void exist in something? An ending that simply twists back on itself?

As he points out, even the atoms that make “stuff” up are filled with nothing. The biggest and smallest things we know are simply filled with nothing. Here we sit, orbiting a star, orbiting in a galaxy with our electrons orbiting protons and neutrons… all filled with intangible empty space…

Mind Blown Bert Sesame StreetAnywho, here is Josh Worth’s Post: If the Moon was only 1 Pixel Check it out, and I highly recommend scrolling rather than jumping from planet to planet… because then you sorta miss the point he was trying to make…



der Walking Dead…

der Walking Dead…

I enjoy “The Walking Dead,” but I am continually frustrated by some of the plot devises. It seems like more often than not, the characters end up doing something completely irrelevant in order to advance the plot or situation. To me, its a show that is pretty good, but should be so much better. I love the idea of it, but think the writing is one or two revisions short of being great. I had the same issue with the comics [of which I only got though the first two trade paperbacks]. Again, its not bad, but its just not GREAT.

With the return of the AMC series last weekend, I was reminded of a conversation I had with a friend. Long story short, she pretty much told me that I should write something of my own then. Which brought to mind a short story that I had written about six years ago [man how time flies].

So rather than just be some complainer, I figure, why not throw it on out there again. I thought about restructuring the story some, as since writing it, there was an instance in the show that was similar to an event in my story [I’m not sure if the specific scene ever occurred in the comics, as I didn’t get that far]. But after re-reading my story, I decided against it. After all, its not really a zombie story, per say, but a very specific story about one person.

So for your reading pleasure: Confessions of a Zombie

Please feel free to comment with thoughts. And it is, at its core, a love story… so, Happy Valentimes Day!

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