The Secret Life of Mother Nature and Machines [redux]

The Secret Life of Mother Nature and Machines [redux]

While I was interning in London, I had the opportunity to take an experimental photography class. In that class, we used several different processing and printing procedures to create unique print effects, all done analog style. Yeah, these things could have easily been replicated in Photoshop with a far more precise effect, but then where is the fun in that? It’s sort of like that exciting feeling when you have a roll of film processed [“How are the pictures going to come out?” or “Oh, I totally forgot about that picture!”… those exciting little moments].

But I digress.

I presented my prints in the form of a photographic story: The Secret Life of Mother Nature and Machines, or Welcome to the Apocalypse. I had also created a Macromedia Flash [yes, it was that long ago] presentation.

Fast forward, I was sorting through some archived files and came across the Flash SWF for the original presentation I had put together. I was still really pleased with how the images came out, but wanted to rework the wording a bit [and pull it out of the Flash]. Since I couldn’t find the original source files, I dug out the original images and re-scanned them.

So, without further yammering, here is the revised project:

The Secret Life of Mother Nature and Machines

Please to enjoy… !

I want all of my Garmonbozia…

I want all of my Garmonbozia…

My love of David Lynch started many years with Twin Peaks. When I first sat down and watched the pilot, I was absolutely blown away and immediately in love with both the quirkiness, and the unsettling terror that David Lynch is so deft at. He makes a stop light swaying in the midnight breeze scary. I stuck through it, even through the horrible James and Evelyn Marsh, to the mysterious ending (… “Hows Annie?!”).

With the release of the entire series and movie on Bluray [plus all of the extra bits, which amounts to a movie of its own] there has been a bit of a renaissance for Twin Peaks. Which is awesome! Yes its flawed [see James and Evelyn storyline], but its still amazing.

So with all of this Twin Peaks talk, I wanted to make a bit of my own Fan Art [really, I don’t know whats taken me so long]. I took inspiration from my David Bowie-Bot Space Oddity Campbell’s Soup can and put another spin on it.

Because, what if Campbell’s made Garmonbozia… ?

Because Killer Bob is entirely too creepy… and there is nothing creepy at all about a child version of him!
… completed Man From Another Place Papercraft…

… and here is a short video to the tune of “Audrey’s Dance”…

Want to build your own papercraft? Here is the template for The Man From Another Place
[With Instructions]