WE Labs Art Show

WE Labs Art Show

Just a quick reminder that the WE SHOW Opening Reception in on December 17th [next Wednesday!] at 6:30. I will have a couple of pieces on display for their inaugural show. If you are in Long Beach, please come on by and check it out. The event is free [obviously] but RSVPs are encouraged at EventBrite.com. The Arts Council for Long Beach is sponsoring the show, so that’s pretty fun!

Here are the details:

The WE Show has its Artists!

Opening Reception: December 17th, 6:30PM to 9PM.

With so many tremendous submissions for our inaugural WE Show, we had a very difficult time narrowing the field and making final selections. In the spirit of collaboration that we utilize every day, we decided to open with a show representing a wide variety of artists emblematic of Long Beach’s art scene. Together, the incredibly diverse artists represented in this first round are truly a cross section of the contemporary art community, highlighting the artistic renaissance we are lucky to be living through together here in Long Beach. Enjoy!

Congratulations to the artists below, selected for our first ever WE Show: 

Alex Diffin
Barry Rothstien
Caryn Baumgartner
Christine Lee Smith
Christine Nguyen
Connie Lane
Daniel Brezenoff
David Van Patten
Eric Almanza
Gazelle Samizay
Greg Jacobs
Jason Weinlein
Jose Loza
Kay Erickson
Kenny McBride
Linda L. Carlson
Marla Lombard
Michele Rene
Renee Tanner
Rhett Johnson
Scott Burchard
Sherry Ray Von
Susan MacLeod
Walter Focht III

 *Please note: Arts Council for Long Beach is a sponsor of this event, but did not participate in the artist selection process. The curatorial team was put together by WE Labs. Although free, this is an invitation only/ticketed event and space is limited. Bar and appetizers provided.

WE Labs are located in the Pacific Tower:

235 E Broadway
Long Beach, CA 90802

Hope to see you there!

Audrey II, the Piranha Plant

Audrey II, the Piranha Plant

The process of painting in four easy steps:

STEP ONE: The Sketch

A photo posted by Happi Devil (@happidevil) on STEP TWO: The Vector Trace

A photo posted by Happi Devil (@happidevil) on STEP THREE: Paint


Audrey II: The Piranha Plant

Acrylic on Canvas
Measures: 28.5″ x 32.5″ [with Frame]
Available for Purchase, please email for purchase inquiries: happidevil(at)yahoo.com