Kick Started
I was super excited to announce that my Kickstarter project successfully funded [on September 16th, to be exact]… so excited that I totally forgot to post about it! I know, priorities… but as I’m gearing up to start sending out rewards, I just wanted to reflect for a second on the project…
I have to say, I was a little surprised at how the project was actually funded. I thought that I was going to get a lot more lower-end backers [at the 10$ level] from the people who have been sending me messages about wanting stickers <Crickets> Apparently these folks only wanted stickers when they were free, which was a bit of a bummer.
However, on the upside, the bulk of my backers went with the higher level rewards [YAY!], which was super cool and unexpected. Granted, I was then obligated to spend the past month putting together Mr Robotos.
It was an interesting process, and I give many thanks to those who did support the project, and I’m looking forward to sending out the rewards!