Desert Island Stitch: Garbage
My interest was immediately piqued when I heard the intro to “Vow” for the first time… “I can’t use what I can’t abuse”… and then the track immediately clocks into full kick-ass mode… “like Joan of Arc, coming back for more.” I had no idea who this band was, but I loved the rawness of it all, especially after picking up the “Subhuman” import single. The album is gorgeous pop defiance, one minute seducing you, the next, punching you in the face… so here we are at number eight of my Desert Island Stitch series with Garbage’s self-titled debut…

This piece was quite a journey from start to completion. The first stitch made at the end of last year, the original goal was to have it completed before the start of 2020, but the design process took much longer than planned… and then there was a cross country move that put things on pause for over a month… oh and a global pandemic made shit a little weird for everyone.

With each of these pieces there has always been a point in the process where I doubt myself and think that its not going to work out. Since this one took so long I sat with a lot of doubt. it wasn’t until I had finished the “G” that I stopped second guessing myself. But I have to say, I’m really pleased with the final result, especially how I was able to make the “G” look a little soft around the edge!

I must confess, my love of the band goes beyond the music. Picture it… Los Angeles, 1995… my first experience seeing them live was at the Roxy [can you believe they let an 11 year old into that place? I know, right?]. The tiny little venue heated up right quick as Shirley took the stage. After the show, everyone was herded out but we snuck back in to the venue through a back door and sorta hung around like we belonged. We spied Shirley mingling between small groups of people inside. I was able to steal her for a second to snap a quick pic and she excitedly signed my box set of the album.

A few months later, I was able to meet the boys [Butch, Duke, and Steve] after the show at the Glasshouse in Pomona. The best part was talking at length with them about the wildly different packaging designs for each of the 7″ singles. I have to say, they were all just the fucking nicest people.
Anywho… lemme know what you think of Desert Island Stitch number eight in the comments below… only two more in the series to go… what could be next?!